Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Meet Inspree

Inspree is a magic-volpi, a fox-like creature of any color that is able to transform their appearance to take on any unique style they want to at any time!  Inspree loves to express herself through her style and fashion and spread her constant creativity and passion to the world.  Inspree has a bag full of love to share with all of her friends, especially her best friend, Cricket.  Sometimes she gets really puckered out, sharing love and happiness all the time, but she wouldn't trade her passion for anything.  Do you want to meet Inspree?  She'd be so happy to meet you.  Just look long and hard at the reference pictures of her below, and then close your eyes and imagine her with your own mind!  Imagine Inspree with a sense of style that you like the most, one that is uniquely you, because she'll share that style with you!  Don't worry if you don't know what she should say, because I know.  She'd say: "Be yourself, because everyone else is taken."  

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